Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hold Me Please

My youngest daughter has learned the phrase "Hold me please".  It can melt my heart anytime she runs up to say that.  My oldest daughter still loves to be held also... and I shutter to think of the day when they will not want to be held.

We have experienced a lot of "Hold me please" times in the last two days.  There was a serious dentist appointment yesterday that involved a shot and nitrous oxide for the oldest, and today included two shots and check-up for the youngest.  Doctors and Dentists can be full of anxiety and pain.

As a mother, I just hurt right along with my girls.  I want to so desperately take the pain and nervousness away.  I wish I could get the shot or have the procedure or be looked over so my children do not have to experience the uncertainty of what is going on.  I stay right by them.  I squeeze their hand.  I whisper to them it is going to be alright.  I let them know that it is almost over.  I hug them, and of course, I hold them when it is all over with.

They feel more at ease as they realize it really is over.  They eventually pull themselves together, and before we know it, they are smiling with a lollipop in hand.

Can you hear God whisper to you when you are going through anxious and painful times?  Is it comforting to read His Word and hear Him whispering to you "It is going to be ok, I am with you"?

Nobody wants their child to go through any pain, but it is a part of growing up.  Just the same, God does not want us to go through painful and anxious times, but it is part of growing as a Christian.  Thankfully He sent the Holy Spirit to whisper calming words of encouragement in our hearts, and we have the Bible to turn to for peace and guidance.

Today's Verses - Very popular and extremely comforting!
"Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  Phil 4:6-7

"Be careful for nothing" simply means - do not worry about anything!  Not one thing are we to worry over!  We are going to hurt.  We are going to have pain.  We are going to need a hug.  We give all the pain and all the suffering to God.  If we ask, He will give us that peace that passeth all understanding.  It will truly be like He is holding us and walking with us through the pain, if we only ask.

Oh I know there is more pain to come in my little ones lives.  Pains and anxieties that I don't want to even think about.  Our doctor said to be excited that the shots were over for the little one until kindergarten.  Sending my girls off to school makes me have a few pains myself!  There will be betrayals from friends, boys to cry over, hurt feelings, dashed dreams, and so much more.  If the Lord willing, I will be there to hold them through it all.  But, more importantly, I need to make sure they know that our Heavenly Father is there to really get them through the pains of life.  He can heal the physical and emotional pain.  He truly cares about us...His children!

In Psalms 94:18 we read, "When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up."  Just like we long to hold a little one in pain, He longs to hold us.  His mercy and grace are all we need when we fall and cry out "Hold me please!"

1 comment:

  1. When I read this I couldn't help but be reminded of a verse that I cling to so often when I want to imagine the Lord "holding me" during difficult times!
    "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms:..." (Deuteronomy 33:27a)
    Nothing like the comfort of knowing our Heavenly Father wraps His arms around us and holds us just like a mother does her child. What a blessing this was to my heart today!
