Thursday, April 12, 2012

Plans Change

So I have had another week where a verse keeps being placed in my path.  It was in a devotion I read, also used in one of the girls' devotions, and on a pod-cast I listened to (by the way - if you have any Apple products, free pod-casts by Christian speakers is my new favorite thing and I highly recommend checking them out).  The verse is Proverbs 16:9, "A man's heart deviseth (plans) his way:  but the LORD directeth his steps."

When a verse comes up that frequently, God is definitely trying to get your attention, or at least that is what I think.  If you have read any posts before, you know we are in the middle of uncertain plans in our life.  We are prayerfully and trustingly waiting for final plans to be revealed.  On my birthday we had a scheduled house showing.  The question was raised many times, "What is your plan if it sells now?"  We just had to chuckle and say we weren't quite sure.  We used to have a plan.  We knew where we wanted to move.  We thought we had found our dream home.  But those plans do not seem to make much sense right now.  So, once again, we are praying for a direction.

I do not believe this verse is not saying we can't make plans.  (Prov 4:26 - "Ponder the path of thy feet...") We have to plan for things.  It is not feasible to just cruise through life and never think about or plan for the future.  But I do believe this verse says while we make our plans we are to know the ultimate plan is up to the Lord.  We can prayerfully seek His advice as we plan; we can trust He knows the best plan for us, and we can believe He has our best interest in mind.  So if our plan doesn't go accordingly to how we envisioned, we do not pout and ask why, we lean on knowing "the LORD directeth [my] steps."

Today's Verse
"BOAST not thyself of tomorow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."  Proverbs 27:1

I had a plan for this week.  But it was slightly changed with a flat tire.  I also had a plan for today.  But that was completely changed when our smoke detector malfunctioned.  I even had a plan for driving home from school, but a missed turn caused a kink in my plan.  I do not know why these things happened.  I didn't know what my day would truly "bring forth".  But as it has been said before, I am just rolling with the punches because I know Who holds my day.  I have nothing to fret over when my plan changes, because I know the Lord is the only One capable of changing my plans...and the changes will always work for my good! (Romans 8:28)

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