Monday, November 14, 2011

Change my light bulb please

So my fingers are itching to do some real typing.  I have loved the refresher course for myself, but  I know there has been some disinterest in the getting healthy V-8 plan.  It has been a lot of cutting and pasting from the lesson already presented, and I have been overflowing with new things to write about.  So, we will take a quick intermission and finish up tomorrow and Wednesday.  With the whirlwind weeks ahead as the holidays are fast approaching, there will be fewer posts and more time preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  

This time can be a happy time, but it can also be a stressful time.  We can feel overwhelmed.  We can get bogged down in all the details.  We can downright be crabby when we start thinking of the millions upon millions of things to do in the coming weeks.  At least, that is how I can feel sometimes.  There is even added anxiety and disappointments that comes with our holidays this year, with us not having a church home.  We feel homeless but thankfully not hopeless!

When I hear my oldest daughter pray for a new church family, I want to run and cry in the other room.  Today I had to scratch out the dates we had set for Christmas parties with the youth, and it absolutely crushed me.  I have felt so lost not having parties and outings to plan with the youth group or play practices to direct and props to has made me just crabby.

Do the holidays, with all the hustle and bustle, ever put a scowl on your face instead of a big ol' smile?

How can we get a better attitude with the "the most wonderful time of the year" bearing down on us?

As Christians, this is our extra special time of being thankful and rejoicing for the blessings we have and for the birth of our Savior.  Our attitudes while we are preparing meals and out shopping, reflects the love of Christ to others.  Are we reflecting His light as we get in the holiday spirit, or do we need to change our outlook?  I know in the last few days my attitude has not been one of glorifying Him as it should be, and I know I need His strength to change it!  In other words, I need a new light bulb!

What can we do to change our light bulbs and be fully prepared to show His light in the coming weeks?  Plan Ahead - that means planning meals, stocking up the pantry, deciding when to decorate, choosing which special events to attend (and not all of them), making lists concerning buying and wrapping presents, finding time to bake those cookies, and MOST IMPORTANTLY scheduling those devotion times.  We have to plan, plan, plan.  If we don't want to be running around not knowing what to do next, we have to schedule our days.  To-do lists are key in the coming weeks.  And the most important thing to schedule, is spending time in prayer and God's Word.  We will not be able to have a fresh light about us if we are not spending time in His Light!

Today's Verse
"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."  Proverbs 16:3

We commit our time and works to Him in this busiest time of the year, and He will establish us with a good attitude and a fresh light to shine to others.  Christians are suppose to be happy people, and yes I know we are all going through something right now that makes us not so happy, but we give it to Him and continue to rejoice in Him.  We count our blessings and not the negatives.  We can shine for Him if our thoughts are in Him!  Let's change our light bulbs and be renewed as we celebrate the ONE who was put on this earth to die for our sins.  It is HIS birthday and we want to make sure everyone sees that is what we know and believe!  Without Him our lives would have no light!  Just as I know we will be changing those tiny little bulbs in our light strands for the tree, let's change our lights and attitudes to shine for Jesus in the coming weeks.

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