I must be brief, seeing as how we are having our usual "surprise" party for Daddy when he gets home. The usual ice cream cake is in the freezer; his favorite beef roast is in the oven; the party hats have been made, and balloons and signs adorn the kitchen. We just need the man of the day and his biggest princess to arrive home to enjoy. I wanted to share an email I received this week. Take the time to look up the verses for a true blessing.
Ten Ways to Love
1) Listen without interrupting - Prov 18:13
2) Speak without accusing - James 1:19
3) Give without sparing - Prov 21:26
4) Pray without ceasing - Col 1:9
5) Answer without arguing - Prov 17:1
6) Share without pretending - Eph 4:15
7) Enjoy without complaint - Phil 2:14
8) Trust without wavering - 1 Cor 13:7
9) Forgive without punishing - Col 3:13
10) Promise without forgetting - Prov 13:12
Today's Verse
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet (a helper comparable to him) for him." Gen 2:18
I am honored to be your help meet my dear!
Happy Birthday to that special man in your life! I will always remember the special day the Lord joined the two of you in marriage ;) What an honor is was to be a part of that special day!