Monday, June 25, 2012

It's Hot!!!

I am sitting out on the porch and let me tell you, it is hot!!!!  I am reminded of my days growing up on a farm.  My grandfather was a tobacco farmer and we were his proud little workers.  I remember the days as very hard work, but we made them fun.  I can also remember the days we would stand on that harvester and pray for a breeze to cool us off briefly.

I am longing for that breeze today.  The girls are keeping it cool in the sprinkler while I have been catching up on a little work.  Midyear budget reviews are needed and article ideas need to be typed.  The heat is miserable, but the breezes are oh so nice and refreshing!

The trials of life can seem like these summer days.  Almost Unbearable!!  The storms churn and we pray for a breeze of relief.  And they always come....right we need them most.  The unexpected phone call or email from a friend.  The sermon or Sunday school lesson that seems to be taught just for us.  A verse that takes on a whole new meaning during the current trial we are facing.  The relief is sent.  The breeze feels nice and refreshing.  The heat still remains, just like our trials still keep improving our faith, but the breeze comes periodically to help us bear it.

Today's Verse
Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous:  but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

Unfortunately or thankfully, however you look at it, we face a lot of trials in life...our afflictions are "many".  These trials are times of growth, times of strengthening our faith and our trust in our heavenly Father. God sends the breeze and the relief is so sweet!  He delivers us out of "THEM ALL".  Not just some.  Not just a few...ALL OF THEM!!!!  Oh how the breezes get us through the heat and trials.  And when the temperatures cool down and He delivers us, we are so thankful He is our God! 

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