Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cartoons...not just for little ones

It has been a crazy winter for our family as far as sickness is concerned.  We have never experienced so much in one season.  There were several rounds of doctor visits through Christmas.  We had to miss several important events because of sickness.  And, it has not really improved through January.  I know it could be worse, and we are blessed to have access to medical help, but it has been disheartening.  My littlest one had a ruptured ear drum last week because of an ear infection.  Then the oldest one was up all night just last night with a fever.  After yet another visit to the doctor this morning, she has a sinus infection.  We have been to that doctor's office so many times in the months of December and January it is crazy!

We are supposed to be in the happiest place on earth next week.  Yes, we are scheduled to visit Disney World.  We are so very excited (although if you have read in the days past you know I am a little anxious as well).  But, with all this sickness, I am praying constantly that we will be able to go.

It's funny how the Lord used a time of waiting for the Dr. to teach me something through a children's cartoon.  We were watching Hermie, a video series by Max Lucado.  It was a new one the girls got for Christmas.  Hermie and Wormie were having a conversation that taught me a lesson and spoke volumes to my heart.  Hermie was saying it was so hard to have faith when you can't see what is going to happen.  Does that sound familiar?  We have been discussing that very thing.  I just said yesterday that I just wanted to be able to see what was going to happen.  But Wormie's response was so perfect, "But that is what faith is all about."

Yes, that is what faith is all about...trusting when we can't see what the future holds.   I do not know why we had to miss another day of school, my husband had to push back his flight, and we are not going to be able to do the things we planned for today.  But the bigger picture is, I have faith that I don't need to understand why my little girlies are sick.  I have faith they will get better.  I have faith even when I can't see what is going to happen.

Today's Verse
"I sought he LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."  Ps 34:4

What a soothing verse in times of trouble.  Soothing because we can seek Him.  Soothing because He hears us.  And soothing because He can and He will "deliver me from all my fears."  ALL is such a big and powerful word.  But it is right there in black and white...ALL MY FEARS.

We needed a soothing verse today and as always, the Lord provided.  Now we just need some soothing popsicles to help with these scratchy throats.  Good thing I happen to have some in the freezer.  Sickness stinks, but we are still keeping a smile on our faces.  Sickness means books and lots of snuggling and some TV watching.  I am so glad God can speak to my heart even through a cartoon.  Always be prepared to learn and hear from God, even if it is a video recommended for 3-8 years old.

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