Monday, January 9, 2012

An Extra O

There is a custom of leaving notes in our house.  Daddy is the king of notes, and his notes are a thrill to his girls.   These little treasures are left as a good morning wake-up gift.  It usually consists of a quick scribble on a napkin that holds some cheerios for munching on as a pre-breakfast appetizer.  These O's are a big help to me, as they occupy the little ones while I prepare the fruit, yogurt and whatever else will accompany the assortment that morning.  Our youngest daughter now wakes up saying, "Eat O's, eat O's" over and over again.  And my oldest daughter reminds Daddy most nights, "Leave us out a snack before you leave for work in the morning."  Those notes and O's are an encouragement to me, reminding me that I have someone out there praying for us and for our day ahead.

As our oldest daughter is learning to read, these notes have helped her to learn the common words found written on our napkins.  Phrases like, "I love you", "I will miss you", and "Obey today" are always common.  Today, she asked for help reading the note.  It began, "Good Morning Girls".  She wasn't quite sure what it said.  "Mommy, I know this doesn't say God.  It has an extra 'O' in it."  I had to laugh.  Yes, that word did have an extra "O", but even though it didn't actually spell GOD, it was a reminder that our GOD is so GOOD.

I have sung and hummed the song all  morning, "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me."  It was such a nice way to start a dreary Monday with a reminder that He is sooo good!!!!  Our weather is rainy, cloudy and chilly hear in NC, but thankfully our home was full of warmth and reminders of the blessings our good and gracious God has given us.  That little extra "O" brightened my outlook for the day.  What could have been a bad day with yucky weather, was turned into a good day of praising God with the extra "O".

The extra "O" reminded me that He is our Good Shepherd (John 10:11); He desires to give us good things (Matthew 7:11), and every good thing is from God (James 1:17).

Two extra "O" verse for us today...
"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever." 1 Chron 16:34
"O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together." Ps 34:3

God is good.  Give God the extra O, and tell Him how good He is!  He loves to hear us praise Him.  He loves to hear His children sing, and pray, and give thanks to Him.  Today is the day to proclaim He is good. Magnify Him with me today.  Tell Him how good He is and how thankful we are to have Him rule over our lives!

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