Thursday, November 3, 2011

Give me a V...

Give me a V...Give me another V...And another V...What's that spell? VVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Are you ready for our "V"?

I started this Bible study lesson having all the ladies standing up and marching in place for one whole minute.  They laughed and thought I was joking...I wasn't.  So we marched...we laughed...we wanted the minute to be over sooner than it was.  A minute can seem like 15 minutes when you are exercising!  Why not stand up now and march for a minute?  It is good to get your blood pumping...especially if you have been sitting at the computer for a while!

Did you do it?  How do you feel?  Are you ready to start improving our health together...not just physical  and emotional health, but most importantly, our spiritual health?

I had serious doubts all night.  Should I really write about this?  Should I really share what the Lord laid on my heart?  Maybe now is not the time.  But, as always, God provided solid evidence this morning that makes me certain I should share my daily V-8 story.  It also proves, once again, that our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor.

For starters, the girls' devotion this morning was about praising and not pouting.  We have a few pouters in this house, and yes I am including myself, and I knew we were going to need this lesson.  After the introduction and Bible verses, we got down to the story.  Would you believe it was about when the Israelites complained about not having meat to eat?  I couldn't believe it.  I laughed out loud.  (If you didn't read yesterday's post, you must go back and read to understand why this was so funny.)  If you know the story, God provided them with meat and they had to eat it every day for a month, until they were literally sick of it!

My second reason for believing I should still share my story, happened shortly after completing our devotion.  The girls picked out the books they wanted to read.  They both love reading and the book stack was really high.  I told them to pick out two favorites.  My oldest daughter picked "The Berenstein Bears, Too Much Junk Food", which we haven't read in a really long time.  I couldn't help be laugh again and say, "OK God, I get the picture.  I will share the lesson"

So, as I said yesterday, our daily V-8 begins with V.  The "V" stands for verse.  We must spend time in our Bible everyday.  To grow as Christians, to grow closer to God, to memorize verses to use in times of trials or temptations, Bible verses are essential in our everyday lives.  John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God."  One of the applications listed in my Woman's Study Bible for this verse says, "Christians need to study the written Word of God to learn more about the incarnate Word of God."  Or, even more simply, read our Bible to learn all we can about God and Jesus.

I know some things you might be thinking....I don't have time; I won't understand it; It is too hard.  But, I promise if you just dive in, the Lord will bless you.  He is longing for you to learn all you can about Him.  It is the devil's darts of doubt that are stopping you!   I find that the more I read my Bible, the more I WANT to read my Bible.  It is comforting and reassuring and always provides me with an Ah-ha moment.  It can cover us with peace and point us in the right direction.  God's Word is a Christians' instruction manual.  Just like you can't operate machines without a manual, you shouldn't try to operate your life without reading our manual.  God can provide us the time to spend with Him, if we just give Him your time.  Allow Him to direct our days, and He can show us when and how to accomplish everything.  He can also provide the wisdom needed to understand the verses that we read.  We just have to remember to ask for that wisdom.  "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God."  James 1:5a

If you haven't been faithfully reading your Bible, and we all go through those times when we slack off, start again with a simple Psalms.  I know personally, a Psalms a day can do a wonder for my outlook on life.  Also, find a devotion book to follow.  This can help guide you through verses and applications.  Or join a devotion or Bible study group.  (I know I have enjoyed the first week of the Hebrews study with Wendy Blight If there is a favorite childhood Bible story, find it in the Bible and study it more in depth.  There are so many ways to get into God's Word.  His love will shine through on us even more, once we spend time learning more about Him.

You might be thinking "What does learning verses have to do with my actual health?".  I have been reading the book "Crave" by Lysa Terkhurst.  She talks about learning verses to help fight the cravings of other things.  Lysa says, “When we feel deprived and frustrated and consumed with wanting unhealthy choices, we too can rely on God’s Word to help us.”  Once we spend time in the Bible, and engrave the verses that speak to us on our hearts, we can use them to fight temptations.  I have said my favorite verse many times over, and it can help in so may circumstances.  "I can do all things through Christ which strengeneth me." Phil 3:14.  I can read my Bible; I can try to exercise more; I can control my temper; I can make better food choices; I can make better choices in general.  I can pull that verse out is so many situations and there are so many other verses to draw strength from.  We just have to take the time to read and learn them!
Today's Verse
"Be still, and know that I am God:"  Psalms 46:10a

Find the time to be still.  It is so hard for me to sit still some days, but I know God uses that time with Him for my benefit in so many ways.  I hope you enjoyed "V" with me today.  Monday, Lord willing, we will dive into the first of the eight other steps in our V-8 lesson.

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