Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Step 2 - This is NOT your body

So, we have read our Bibles; we have talked to God.  What is the next step?  Step 3 - We have to realize this body we are trying to take better care of, is not even ours!  This body belongs to God.  This body, if we have asked Him to be the Lord of our lives, is the "dwelling place" for the Holy Spirit.  We must make choices for our bodies that honor the Lord.

If you read in Exodus chapters 25-27, you will see the details that went into building the tabernacle.  Sooooo much detail went into the planning and the building of this holy place.  Everything down to the candlesticks had a purpose and precise way to be made.  I remember reading theses chapters and wondering why this was important now?  Why do we need to know the "cubit" of the curtains and what kind of wood the altar was made of?

In verse 25:8 we read, "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."  The Lord wanted a place to dwell among His people.  Just as this "sanctuary" was the actual "dwelling place" for the Lord in the Old Testament, our bodies our the "dwelling place" for the Lord now in the New Testament time.  He put so much detail in building the actual tabernacle, but think about how much time He put into designing and forming us.  We are so much more intricate than a golden candlestick.  Our bodies are living miracles.  We are His living and breathing tabernacle in which He dwells.

We read in 1 Cor 6:19-20 “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and yea are not your own? For ye are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”  This clearly states we are His.  Our body is His.  We have to honor Him with every aspect of our life.  We have to glorify Him with our choices. We are responsible for taking care of this body.  It is difficult because it is our sinful nature to do what we want and not worry about the consequences.  Yet we must take care of ourselves.   

Do you ever think about the fact that our bodies are not actually "ours"? 

Today's Verse
"I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.”  Romans 12:1

It is our "reasonable service" to take care of our bodies.  The application in my Women's Study Bible says, “The believer should evaluate every decision on the basis of biblical principles, knowing that obedience brings God’s blessing.”  While we are on earth, we must honor Him in everything, including taking care of our bodies.  It is exciting to think about our heavenly bodies.  We will not have any pains.  We will never have to worry about staying healthy.  We will be made whole.  I believe whole heartily that God will reward us  if we seek to take care of this body, "His" body to the best of our abilities.  

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