Thursday, January 17, 2013


I am suffering from another "Wait" in regards to a dream/prayer request.  I admit to getting my hopes up.  I admit to thinking this was going to finally be a "Yes".  When the "No just wait some more" came again, I wanted to cry.  Ok, I did cry a little.  "When Lord, when???"

But, I can't know that now.

So I focus on the positives.

I can list other prayers that have already been answered in 2013.  I am thankful that my heart is not troubled over the answer telling me to continue to wait.  My heart is calmed because I am not focusing on the desires of my heart, but I am focusing on waiting for God's perfect timing.

I thought this was the "yes" we have been waiting 3 years for, but when it wasn't, I looked for comfort in my Bible.  And I found it...

Today's Verse
"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer."  Romans 12:12

I am not going to lose hope.  I am not going to turn my back on God and say, "He must not care because He is not answering how I think He should."  I am going to continue to pray for guidance and know He will let us know when His "yes" is coming.  "Shew me thy ways, O LORD" Psalms 25:4.

Are you being asked to wait again?  "Rejoice in hope" that the wait will be answered exactly when it should be; be patient in the trial knowing growth occurs in the times of wait, and continue in prayer because we are "always to pray" Luke 18:1.  Even when the answer seems so far away or so impossible, God is right there working it out for our good and for His glory!

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